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This is the danger of refilling disposable drinking bottles

Refilling bottled drinking water seems to be economical, when in fact this bottle is designed to be used only for single use. Using it repeatedly turns out to carry health risks. Usually disposable plastic bottles are made from PET or PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic material. Although clearly labeled as disposable, but not a few people use this PET bottle repeatedly, either for ignoring it, or even not knowing the meaning of the information that is generally printed at the bottom of the bottle.

Pay attention to the ingredients used in plastic bottles

Each plastic bottle is made from a different material, with different purposes for use. You can tell the difference by looking at the numbers at the bottom of the bottle. The triangle code under plastic packaging number 1, 2, 4, and 5 is considered safe. However, you should avoid using plastic numbered 3, 6, and 7. Although there is also plastic numbered 7 which is classified as environmentally friendly plastic that is still safe to use. PET or PETE plastic bottles with label number 1 are commonly used as disposable drinking bottles, bottles of cooking oil, soda or jam. This bottle is clear, thin, cannot be refilled, and will be damaged if exposed to high heat. After disposing, these bottles can be recycled into ready-made plastic and textiles. If used to store hot water, these disposable PET bottles can even change shape.

Health Risks Refilling Disposable Bottles

Thinking back if you want to refill disposable drinking water bottles. Below are some risks that can endanger your health.
  • Bacterial Development

  • Refilling drinking water in disposable bottles can cause water contamination. This can occur due to bacteria or fungi that may develop once the bottle is opened. This bacterium can come from the hands, mouth, or anything that comes in contact with the bottle.
  • Chemical transfer

  • Chemicals used in making plastics such as monomers can move to water in bottles for a certain period of time and also due to heat exposure. Heavy metals used in making PET bottles, namely antimony, can move from the bottle into water even in small amounts. The risk of movement will increase if the bottle is used to store other ingredients such as cooking oil.
  • Changes in taste, smell and color of water

  • Exposure to heat in bottles that cause migration of these chemicals can cause changes in taste, odor, and color of water.
If you want to use a drinking bottle that is safe to use over and over, look for a bottle with code number 2. This plastic bottle is made of HDPE (high-density polyethylene) which is thicker in color, more like a white milk. Aside from being a drinking bottle, plastic bottles made from this are commonly used as bottles of shampoo, detergent, juice, toys. Since there are not a few risks that can endanger the health of refilling disposable drinking bottles, you should avoid it from now on, and don't forget to check the plastic information printed on the packaging, yes!


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